showing 33 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartags
H.E.R.O. (El Heroe;Hero: Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation) Activision1984 alone caveflying chiroptera lives score spiders subterranean labelimagesubject
Wonder Boy Activision1987 birds bossbattles chiroptera did elevators fish forest frog island lives nofalldamage octopus platformer rescue score skateboard snails snakes spiders subterranean thrownweapons walking wonderboy labelimageminimize
Minipedes Anirog1984 centipedelike instantdeath lives score snails spiders labelimageminimize
Araknifoe Argus Specialist Publications;Commodore Disk User1989 score spiders labelimageminimize
Centipede Atari1983 centipede centipedelike centipedes fixedshooter fleas lives score scorpions spiders labelimagesubject
Bugs (Bugs 64) author19?? insects spiders labelimageminimize
Boing Bubble Bus1986 1life falldamage moneybags spiders labelimageminimize
Widow's Revenge Bubble Bus (Nufekop)1983 centipedelike lives score spiders labelimageminimize
Antics Bug-Byte (Choice Software)1985 ♫toccatafuguedminor animalprotagonist ants bees birds insectprotagonist insects score spiders ystop100 labelimageminimize
Super Robin Hood Codemasters1987 bows castle did elevators england falldamage keys ladders medieval outlawprotagonist rescue robinhood score spiders walking labelimageminimize
Forbidden Forest Cosmi;U.S. Gold1983 bows forest giantspiders score spiders labelimageminimize
Dark Caves CP Verlag1994 bombs caveflying jetpack lives magazinecover score spiders subterranean labelimageminimize
The Ormus Saga CP Verlag1991 1220s 13thcentury 2ndmillennium adv-intermediary circadiancycle combatmode currency dragons dwarves elves exploration foundmaps healthregen-slow hirelings hunger hybridgame inventory joystick keyboard magic monsters orcs otherworld outdoors past protagonistnaming search snakes spiders taxes town trolls watercraft xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Bumblebee (Bumble Bee) Creative Software1984 animalprotagonist bees frog insectprotagonist spiders timelimit labelimageminimize
Lost Tomb Datasoft1984 lives score spiders timelimit labelimageminimize
The Dallas Quest Datasoft;U.S. Gold (Datasoft)1984 ♫brahmslullaby 1980s 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-location airport arid bigcats birds cattle city-dallas-tx city-parker-tx city-plano-tx coconuts companion crazedanimals digging domesticcats earth fasttravel giantanimals giantrats giantrodents giantspiders helicopters hippo horses house interactivefiction inventory jaguars jewelry jungle ladders lamp langsnamericanenglishdialects langtexasdialects latemodernperiod longhorns magical magicrings map northamerica owls parrots peru plains playapeligro precisionrifles primates rats realworld river rodents rural shovels smokes snakes southamerica spiders testudines texas tombstones town tvseries usa walking watercraft-small weather wordinput labelimagesubject
Millibug (Milli-Bug) dk'tronics1983 centipedelike insects lives score spiders labelimageminimize
Buzz Off! (Buzzoff!) Electric Software1984 animalprotagonist bees claiming score spiders labelimageminimize
Realm of Impossibility Electronic Arts;Ariolasoft (BRAM)1984 magic mp-cooperative opticalillusions scrolls snakes spiders zombies labelimageminimize
Olli & Lissa: The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle Firebird1987 castle chiroptera ghosts nonhumanprotagonist platformer score scotland spiders walking labelimageminimize
Danger Valley Input 641988 magazinecover spiders labelimageminimize
Metagalactic Llamas: Battle at the Edge of Time Llamasoft1984 llamas score spiders labelimageminimize
Nosferatu the Vampyre Macmillan;Piranha1986 mansion movie roombased spiders vampires labelimageminimize
Finders Keepers Mastertronic1985 claiming fortress ingametitle knights lives magicknight-series nofalldamage spiders walking labelimageminimize
Baby Blues Mastertronic;CP Verlag (Software Creations)1990 birds score spiders labelimageminimize
Dino Eggs Micro Fun1983 dinosaurs disease ladders outbreak past prehistoric-theme snakes spiders timetravel labelimageminimize
Araignée - Spider Thief (Spider Thief) Mosoft (Mo Dernart)2019 adventure dungeon fantasy insects runandgun spiders labelimagesubject
Montezuma's Revenge Parker Brothers1984 alone cemetery ladders lives mesoamerican-theme metroidvania montezumasrevenge-series score snakes spiders subterranean labelimageminimize
Dicky's Diamonds Romik Software1983 animalprotagonist birdprotagonist birds lives owls score spiders labelimageminimize
Apple Cider Spider Sierra On-Line1983 animalprotagonist arachnidprotagonist frog lives platformer score spiders labelimageminimize
Pool of Radiance (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance) SSI (SSI Special Projects Group)1988 adnd assemblylang basilisks centaurs combatmode dnd encounters-timed forgottenrealms frog ghouls giants gnolls goblins goldboxengine kobolds medieval minotaurs mummies ogres orcs poolofradiance sauroids scorpions skeletons spiders tigers transgendered trolls undead vampires wildboars zombies labelimagesubject
Firequest: The Further Adventures of Ugh (Fire Quest) The Edge1984 jumping lives prehistoric spiders walking labelimageminimize
Blinky's Scary School (Blinky's Scary Scholl) Zeppelin Games1990 castle chiroptera fish frog ghosts insects inventory lives mice platformer snails spectralprotagonist spiders labelimageminimize